Chewing Gum Actually Benefit Our Teeth and Gums?

September 13, 2023by admin0

Have you ever wondered if your gum habit does your teeth and gums any good? You’re not alone. While chewing gum has often gotten a bad rap as an annoying habit or messy pastime, some studies show it may benefit your dental health and hygiene.

This article explores how chomping on sugar-free gum could help reduce plaque, prevent cavities, and freshen your breath. We’ll discuss the kind of gum to choose, how long and how often you should chew, and how gum complements but doesn’t replace good brushing and flossing.

The Science Behind Chewing Gum

When you chew gum, more saliva flows into your mouth, helping to wipe away food particles and balance acid. The increased saliva also contains antibodies and proteins that can help strengthen your enamel.

One study found that chewing sugar-free gum 20 minutes after eating can help prevent plaque buildup and cavities. Chewing increases saliva flow, and the sugar-free gum helps clear out food remnants without adding more sugar to support oral bacterial growth.

Another study found that chewing gum may even help reduce inflammation of the gums and combat dry mouth. If you get mouth sores or dry mouth, chewing gum could relieve and help keep your mouth moist.

Benefits of Chewing Gum for Teeth

Chewing gum increases saliva flow, which contains calcium and phosphate to strengthen tooth enamel. It also helps wash away food particles and reduces plaque buildup. The increase in saliva can help balance the acid levels in your mouth, protecting your teeth from cavities.

Sugar-free gum also reduces dry mouth, keeping your gums hydrated and healthy. This decreases inflammation and irritation that can lead to gum disease. Chewing gum exercises your jaw muscles and can even help relieve tension.

So, next time you have a sugar craving or want to freshen your breath, reach for a stick of sugar-free gum. Your teeth and gums will thank you, and you’ll be supporting your oral health in an easy, enjoyable way.

Benefits of Chewing Gum for Gums

Gum chewing also gently massages your gums, which can help prevent inflammation and stimulate tissue regeneration. Studies show that people who chew sugar-free gum after eating have lower plaque levels and fewer episodes of gingivitis. The mild scraping from chewing gum scrapes off soft plaque and stains from the surface of your teeth. This helps keep your smile bright and your gums healthy.

For the most benefit, choose a sugar-free gum since sugar can harm teeth. Also, continue brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly. Gum is meant to supplement good oral care, not replace it. While gum chewing does have dental benefits, it should only be done in moderation to avoid potential jaw issues from overuse.

Types of Chewing Gum for Oral Health

Chewing sugar-free gum containing xylitol can benefit your teeth and gums. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that can help reduce plaque, prevent cavities, and even strengthen tooth enamel.

Look for gum with xylitol listed as the first or second ingredient. Popular brands of xylitol gum include Spry, Epic, and Simply Gum. These gums are sweetened naturally without aspartame. Flavored gum without sugar can also freshen your breath and leave you with a clean mouthfeel by reducing dry mouth and stimulating saliva.

Gum chewing may provide benefits but does not replace brushing and flossing. Maintain good oral hygiene and chew in moderation for the best results.


So, go for it next time you feel like chomping on a piece of gum. If you pick sugar-free gum and continue brushing and flossing regularly, gum chewing can benefit your teeth and gums. While chewing gum is not a substitute for dental care and checkups, the increased saliva flow it stimulates can help wash away food particles, reduce plaque buildup, and even strengthen your enamel over time.

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